Aerial’s Customer Photo Gallery Contest
Posted On April 2, 2019 by Greg Jacobsen

Send Us Photos of Your Boat!
If you have an Aerial wakeboard tower installed on your boat, we want your photos in our customer gallery! This year, we are offering every eligible entrant one of our new Aerial Wakesports hats for free. The winner of the contest will receive a new GoPro Hero 7 Silver worth $299.99! You must fill out the entry form and submit your photos by 9/30/2019. Click here to visit the contest entry form
All you have to do is send us some high quality photos of your boat with one of our towers (mandatory) and accessories (optional) installed. We want your best photos taken at the lake, with family and friends, wakeboarding, etc. If you don’t have photos like those right now, we still want you to send whatever you have to share. Our customer gallery is a great resource for other boat owners who are wondering if our wakeboard towers will fit their boat. By showing your boat to another owner of a similar year, make and model how you install looks, they’ll get a better idea of how it will look.
For you, it’s more than a chance to show off your ride online, it’s also an opportunity to rate and review your purchase with us, let us know how your install went and how your wakeboard tower package is working for you. We really value our customer’s feedback and want to make sure we doing our part to make watersports more accessible to everyone. We can’t all afford a fully decked out $80,000 wake boat and that’s why we started this Aerial Wakesports. Finally, all of us on an average budget who own less expensive inboard boats can upgrade them with quality aftermarket wake towers that fit perfectly, are high quality and perform exactly like we need them to. We want more families having more fun and getting future pro riders’ feet wet in watersports.
When considering which photos you want to send in, here are some guidelines to remember:
- Bigger, high-quality photos work better so everyone can see your boat. We receive MANY photos that would have been great but can't use them because they are too small, dark, blurry or grainy- we just can't use them! The photos you send should be at least that size (1,000 pixels wide). We can color correct, brighten, crop, resize images with Photoshop. If you prefer to have your boat registration/license number removed or blacked out, let us know.
- WE LOVE SHOTS TAKEN ON THE WATER! Your boat looks better in the water than on a trailer. Take photos from a dock or the shore or for the best photos, from a secondary boat. If it's only on a trailer, send them anyway!
- Take photos of the entire boat from different angles and send some close-ups of tower mounting locations, Aerial Wakeboard Tower accessories, etc.
- We encourage you to send us several of your photos of your boat. We'll post the best ones.
- We only accept photos with an Aerial Wakeboarding tower properly installed on the boat.
- You must be the owner of the boat. You do not need to be the original purchaser but if the boat is already in our gallery, you cannot enter it again.
- Please do not send photos that are already in the gallery. New ones are welcomed, however.
- We love all kinds of photos: family, friends, creative, fun, action, scenic -- impress us!
- We will send you a free Aerial T-shirt to say "thanks."
- Read contest rules here
- Note: If your photos do not meet the guidelines and contest rules above, we can't use them on the site and we cannot send a hat to you nor can we enter you in the content.
We look forward to getting your entry and photos. Best of luck in the contest and happy boating this summer!